Lost is a newly launched Bollywood Movie that was released on 16 February 2023. The movie is directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, who also directed “Pink” in 2016, and the Lost movie is written by Shyamal Sengupta and Ritesh Shah. The movie is produced by Zee StudiosNamah Pictures, and Miracle Pictures. The cinematography of the movie is done by Avik Mukhopadhyay and the movie is edited by Bodhaditya Banerjee. The music of the movie is done by Shantanu Moitra and the official runtime of the film is 124 minutes. The production company of the movie is Zee Studios and the distributor of the movie is ZEE5

The main characters from the movie are Yami Gautam as Vidhi Sahani, Pankaj Kapur as Nanu, Rahul Khanna as Ranjan Varman, Neil Bhoopalam as Jeet, and Pia Bajpiee as Ankita Chauhan. There is a total of six songs from the movie. The first song from the movie is “Mon Re – Title Track” with lyrics by Swanand Kirkire and sung by KK. The length of the first song from the movie is 4 minutes and 56 seconds. The second song from the movie is “Roshni” with lyrics by Swanand Kirkire and sung by Papon. The length of the second song from the movie is 4 minutes and 39 seconds.

The third song from the movie is “Zara Hatke” sung by Madhubanti Bagchi and the length of the third song from the movie is 3 minutes and 28 seconds. The fourth song from the movie is “Nouka Doobi” (Male Version) sung by Swanand Kirkire and the length of the fourth song from the movie is 5 minutes and 7 seconds. The fifth song from the movie is “Nouka Doobi” (Female Version) sung by Shreya Ghoshal and the length of the fifth song from the movie is 4 minutes and 59 seconds.

The last and sixth song from the movie is “Mere Maula” sung by Raja Hassan and the length of the last and sixth songs from the movie is 5 minutes and 27 seconds. The total length of these six songs combined from the movie is 28 minutes and 43 seconds.

Lost Filmyzilla

Poster used under fair use policy | Poster Image source: IMDb.

Cast List of Lost

  • Yami Gautam as Vidhi Sahani
  • Pankaj Kapur as Nanu
  • Rahul Khanna as Ranjan Varman
  • Neil Bhoopalam as Jeet
  • Pia Bajpiee as Ankita Chauhan
  • Tushar Pandey as Ishan Bharti
  • Akshay Kapoor as Aman Yadav
  • Honeyy Jain as Namita


    The Lost movie got decent good reviews from audiences and critics. Over 5.6k people rated this movie 6.1 stars out of 10 stars on IMDb, which are decent good reviews from critics. Sreeparna Sengupta from The Times of India rated this movie 3.5 stars out of 5 stars and said “‘Lost’ is an intense, gripping and yet soul-searching thriller boosted with some remarkable performances. Certainly worth making time to catch this one.

    Zinia Bandyopadhyay from India Today rated this movie 3 stars out of 5 stars and said “Lost might not be your easy breezy watch for the weekend, but it sure would make you think.” Sushmita Dey from Times Now rated this movie 3.5 stars out of 5 stars and said “Despite the flaws here and there, Lost certainly creates a long-lasting impact on the audience, and for the right questions, it asked throughout the film and Yami Gautam’s powerful performance!

    How to Watch Lost Movie

    The digital release rights of the Lost movie were sold to the OTT platform ZEE5 and the movie is currently available to watch on the OTT platform. If you want to watch the movie now then you have to buy a subscription to ZEE5 and after purchasing it you can watch and download the Lost movie from the OTT platform without any issues.